In the analysis I also was able to identify some key errors in positional understanding, for example the thought behind 9. Be3, which should be valuable for improving future play in such types of positions. It's also worth noting sequences like the one beginning on move 19, which serve to illustrate the lesson that just because you can do something fancy on the board using intermediate moves and such, doesn't mean that you should.
An examination of training and practical concepts for the improving chessplayer
29 October 2018
Annotated Game #199: First Master scalp
This first-round game is notable for really only one reason, and that is because it marks the first time I ever defeated a Master-level opponent in tournament play. It's due to a tactical miscalculation on his part, rather than any brilliance on mine, but I was nevertheless happy to take the win. I think it's important for any improving Class player to realize that significantly higher-rated opponents are still quite capable of making blunders or incorrect decisions during the course of play, with no game being an inevitable crushing defeat from start to finish.
In the analysis I also was able to identify some key errors in positional understanding, for example the thought behind 9. Be3, which should be valuable for improving future play in such types of positions. It's also worth noting sequences like the one beginning on move 19, which serve to illustrate the lesson that just because you can do something fancy on the board using intermediate moves and such, doesn't mean that you should.
In the analysis I also was able to identify some key errors in positional understanding, for example the thought behind 9. Be3, which should be valuable for improving future play in such types of positions. It's also worth noting sequences like the one beginning on move 19, which serve to illustrate the lesson that just because you can do something fancy on the board using intermediate moves and such, doesn't mean that you should.
28 October 2018
Streakiness in chess performance
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From "How much does one game affect the next game?" by Michael Richmond |
As with any complex phenomenon, it's nearly impossible to point to a single, definitive explanation for a particular string of results. I do think a large part of it, however, often can be explained by the psychological expectation or "hangover" that is generated from the previous game. Winning generates positive feelings - although this is not always helpful for an improving player, if it masks substantive weaknesses. On the flip side, if you lose, it is common to experience unhelpful emotions such as anger, shame, feelings of worthlessness, etc. This type of personalized reaction is in fact natural - a lot of time, effort and preparation goes into a serious game. As a player, you almost always are mentally invested in even a casual match. It's therefore healthier to experience the emotional reaction and then move on, rather than try to repress it.
So how does a chessplayer break out of a losing streak, which is the most common concern with streakiness? Most of the time we are talking about a short-term losing streak, but in some cases it may be the symptom of a longer period of stagnation or decline in results.
Substantively, it is important for improving chessplayers to work on all aspects of their game, as it's rarely the case that a specific weakness is wholly responsible for a streak of bad results - unless you (perhaps unconsciously) keep playing into situations where you are weak. For example, a player may have little knowledge of endgames, but nevertheless tends to head straight for them by exchanging down material whenever possible. Another common issue is reaching middlegame positions for which you don't know the standard plans and characteristics of the position-types. These weaknesses can be addressed (or at least better avoided) through candid self-assessment, analyzing your own games, and targeted improvement plans. Self-analysis will also directly contribute to understanding and avoiding the repetition of the same types of errors across different games. These long-term practices will tend to boost your overall playing strength over time and contribute to shorter-term success as well. There is no magic pill for instant short-term improvement in chess skills, in other words.
Psychologically, especially in terms of your short-term performance, it is more important for players to overcome the "hangover" of a previous loss or losses by focusing fully on the game in front of them. Success in accomplishing this is partly based on willpower and your ability to focus, but is more strongly underpinned by adopting an attitude of mental toughness in all your games. Getting in the habit of treating each new game as unique, as winnable, and as a stepping stone on the road to mastery goes a long way towards erasing bad vibes from previous games.
Finally, it's important to understand that your opponent "gets a vote" in the result of a chess game - meaning that you may play well and still lose, or alternatively play poorly and still win. In addition to cultivating mental toughness as mentioned above, for improvement purposes it's therefore better to focus on your quality of play in each game, rather than solely on the final outcome. You can't fully control the results you have, but you can dedicate yourself to playing with increasing excellence - which is a reward in itself - and that will inevitably be reflected in your playing strength and future competitive results.
20 October 2018
Annotated Game #198: Winning the queenside race
This last-round tournament game was another much-needed win for me. Strategically, it is a good illustration (at least at the Class level) of how dangerous the English Opening can be when White can get their blows in first on the queenside, without a real response from Black. His 12...f4 looks aggressive, but I can simply ignore it and create a series of threats on the queenside that give me the initiative, which I never relinquish.
Positional pluses for White that helped lead to the win included developing the queen to an ideal square and getting the bishops on very effective diagonals; the dark-square bishop, which is sometimes not as effective in these lines, moves from d2 to b4 at a critical juncture, providing a knockout blow due to its latent pressure on a lineup of Black's pieces on the a3-f8 diagonal. Other effective maneuvers include seizing the a-file and achieving a dominant, centralized knight by exploiting Black's hole on d6.
Positional pluses for White that helped lead to the win included developing the queen to an ideal square and getting the bishops on very effective diagonals; the dark-square bishop, which is sometimes not as effective in these lines, moves from d2 to b4 at a critical juncture, providing a knockout blow due to its latent pressure on a lineup of Black's pieces on the a3-f8 diagonal. Other effective maneuvers include seizing the a-file and achieving a dominant, centralized knight by exploiting Black's hole on d6.
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A26: English Opening vs King's Indian with ...Nc6 and d3 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Nf3 g6 4.d3 Bg7 5.g3 Nge7 a somewhat unusual development for the knight,
but not terribly uncommon either. The idea is not to block the f-pawn. 6.Bg2 0-0 7.0-0 d6 8.Rb1 a5 9.a3 f5 10.Bd2 up to this point I've followed
White's standard plan of development. Deciding where to put the queen's bishop
is often not clear-cut, but I felt that d2 was a reasonable square here. It's
also the top database choice and scores well (54 percent). The bishop gets out
of the way of the heavy pieces on the first rank and the e1-a5 diagonal could
be useful in the future, influencing b4 and possibly transferring the bishop
to c3. 10.Nd5!? is another interesting idea. h6 11.b4 axb4 12.axb4 Nxd5 13.cxd5 Na7 14.Qb3 Nb5 15.Bb2 Bd7 16.Ra1 Qe7 17.e3 g5 18.Qc4 g4 19.Rxa8 Rxa8 20.Nh4 Qg5 21.Bc1 Rf8 22.f4 exf4 23.Rxf4 Nc3 24.d4 Nb5 25.Bf1 Kh8 26.Qc2 c6 27.dxc6 bxc6 28.Bd3 Nc7 29.Bxf5 Nd5 30.Ng6+ Kg8 31.Nxf8 Nxf4 32.Nxd7 Ne2+ 33.Qxe2 Qxf5 34.Nb6 Qe4 35.Nc4 1-0 (35) Leer Salvesen,B
(2365)-Shtivelband,V (2170) Pula 2011 10...Bd7 11.b4 no reason not to
proceed with the plan. axb4 12.axb4 f4N Black gains space, as Komodo
notes via the Fritz interface, but without an immediate threat. I decided to
keep going on the queenside. 12...h6 13.Qc1 Kh7 14.b5= 13.b5±
the engine gives a significant edge in its evaluation to White here. The main
problem for Black is that his queenside pawns are weak and White is in a good
position to immediately begin operations. Nb8 13...Na5 14.Ra1± 14.Qb3 the natural square for the queen, where among other things it supports a
potential b-pawn advance and lines up on the a2-g8 diagonal against Black's
king. Kh8 15.Ra1 Rxa1 forced 16.Rxa1 with sole possession of the a-file,
White has future threats to deploy the rook to either the 7th or 8th ranks. fxg3 trying to generate some kingside counterplay. 16...Bc8!?±
is the engine's recommendation, going for pure defense. 17.hxg3 sometimes
it is difficult to chose which pawn to recapture with on g3. In this case,
with White's rook away from the f-file and Black not being able to do anything
in the near future on the h-file, recapturing with the h-pawn is indicated. c6 this looks like a reasonable try, but White has too many weapons on the
queenside. 18.Ra8+- pinning the Nb8 Qc7 getting out of the pin, but
only temporarily. 19.b6 a great illustration of how White's space advantage
can be applied concretely. Qd8 now the queen is back in the pin. 20.Ne4
a good move, but not the most accurate way of targeting the weak d6 pawn. 20.Qa3 makes it even easier for White, as the queen pressures d6 and is also
able to penetrate on the a-file, where it can do further damage to Black's
crumbling queenside; both the Nb8 and b7 are vulnerable. Bg4 21.Qa7 and
material loss is inevitable for Black. 20...d5 this again looks like a
reasonable try, but White has too many good options. 20...Nf5!? 21.Nd6
taking advantage of the gaping hole on d6. Be6 22.Nxb7 the first material
gain for White. Qd7 this allows me to gain a tempo with the knight
withdrawal, but Black is essentially already lost. 22...dxc4 23.dxc4 Qe8 24.Nc5+- 23.Nc5 Qd6 24.Bb4 increasing the pressure on the a3-f8
diagonal, where Black has multiple pieces lined up, before doing anything else.
dxc4 25.dxc4 I thought about my options here and considered the text move
the simplest path to a win. 25.Nxe6 Qxe6 25...cxb3 26.Bxd6+- 26.Qxc4 Qf6+- 25...Bf5 26.Na6 this knight is doing an outstanding job of
creating threats with every leap. Now the discovered attack on the a3-f8
diagonal is devastating to Black. Qe6 27.Rxb8 Rxb8 28.Nxb8 by this point
White's positional advantage has been converted into a materially winning
position. Qc8 29.Bxe7 I'm happy to exchange down while a piece up and with
the b6 passed pawn looming as a threat. Qxb8 30.c5 Qb7 31.Qf7 threatening
a back-rank mate, now that the Black queen has moved away from the defense. Qb8 32.Bd6 Qa8 33.b7 the final nail in the coffin. Qa6 34.b8Q+ 34.Qe8+ Bf8 35.Qxf8# 34...Bc8 35.Qe8+ Bf8 36.Qxf8# 1–0
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White | EloW | Black | EloB | Res | ECO | Rnd |
ChessAdmin | - | Class C | - | 1–0 | A26 |
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06 October 2018
Annotated Game #197: Play the long game when needing a win
Having lost in the previous two rounds, including rather shamefully in round 3, I very much needed a turnaround win in this tournament. "Needing" a win can, however, be a dangerous state of mind, like when gamblers keep making larger and riskier bets to try to catch back up to where they think they should be; it rarely ends up well. Here I will give myself credit for having enough patience to "play the long game" and recognize the need to patiently maneuver, rather than try to break through prematurely, although my play was not necessarily optimal along the way.
There are a couple of key strategic moments that lead to the win. The first comes at move 26, where I correctly realized that pawn breaks on the queenside, where both my opponent and I had castled, would favor me (Black). About 20 moves later in a double rook endgame, I find the final breakthrough idea, involving a temporary rook sacrifice with a deflection tactic (which the engine awards a '!!' in its analysis).
That said, this game's analysis is perhaps even more valuable for me in the long term for the missed ideas, for both myself and my opponent, which will help me refine my understanding of the middlegame structures in the Classical Caro-Kann.
There are a couple of key strategic moments that lead to the win. The first comes at move 26, where I correctly realized that pawn breaks on the queenside, where both my opponent and I had castled, would favor me (Black). About 20 moves later in a double rook endgame, I find the final breakthrough idea, involving a temporary rook sacrifice with a deflection tactic (which the engine awards a '!!' in its analysis).
That said, this game's analysis is perhaps even more valuable for me in the long term for the missed ideas, for both myself and my opponent, which will help me refine my understanding of the middlegame structures in the Classical Caro-Kann.
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1.e4 B18: Classical Caro-Kann: 4...Bf5 sidelines c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Bf5 5.Ng3 Bg6 6.Nf3 Nf6 7.Bd3 a solid but unambitious
continuation for White. e6 I judged it better to make a developing move
(releasing the Bf8) rather than exchanging on d3. Having the bishop exchanged
on g6 can sometimes weaken Black's king position, but here it's not yet a
concern. Primarily Black has to worry about sacrifices on g6 that undermine
the e6 pawn, and/or play up the h-file once the king is castled. 8.Bg5 Be7 9.Bxg6 hxg6 10.Qd3 Nbd7 it's standard to develop the queen's knight before
castling, in part to provide the option of castling queenside. 11.0-0-0
consistent with the idea of exchanging on g6 and hoping for active play on the
kingside. Nd5 my plan here is to clarify the situation on the kingside by
encouraging the trade of the Bg5, then castle queenside, which I felt was more
solid than castling kingside. Black should be careful about bringing a knight
to d5 in the Classical Caro-Kann, however, when it can be chased off by the
c-pawn. 11...Qc7!? 12.Bxe7 my opponent goes for the obvious response,
exchanging on e7. 12.h4 would be a more challenging response, putting the
onus back on Black. Exchanging on g5 would not be good, as the h-file could
then be opened to White's benefit. Bxg5+? 12...b5 is the engine's choice,
starting immediate counterplay on the queenside 13.hxg5 Rxh1 14.Rxh1± 12...Qxe7 13.Qd2 0-0-0 14.Ne2 14.c4!? Nc7 14...N7f6 14...e5
instead would be a thematic pawn break. Black is well positioned to play in
the center. 15.Nc3 Nxc3 16.Qxc3 e4= the pawn can be reinforced by ...f5
and Black has a comfortable, if no more than equal, game. 15.Kb1 keeping
an eye on the weak a-pawn and clearing the c1 square. Ne4 the original
intent behind the previous knight move, taking an active central position. 15...Ng4?! hitting the f2 square looks tempting, but White can protect
everything and effectively re-deploy his Ne2 at the same time. 16.Nc1
and there are no good follow-ups to the previous one-move threat. 16.Qe1
forced Ndf6 here I was trying to anticipate a c4 push and proactively
re-deploy the knight. 16...Qb4 Komodo prefers this more assertive approach,
activating the queen and preventing c4. 17.c3 17.Qxb4 Nxb4 18.Rhf1 g5 19.h3 f6= 17...Qb5 18.Ka1= 17.Nd2 it's difficult here for White to
come up with a useful plan, although the position is equal. 17.h3 Kb8= 17...Nxd2+ the correct decision, improving the relative value of my minor
pieces. 18.Rxd2 Ne4 obvious, but unimaginative. 18...e5!? would be a
bit more challenging. 19.Rd1 Qf6 the right general idea, of activating the
queen, here with the intention of pressuring both f2 and d4. However, g5 may
have been a better square for the queen, pressuring the g-file and the d2
square. 20.f3 the obvious reaction. Nd6 the position here is quite
balanced now. It will require patient maneuvering. 21.Ng3 Nb5 Increases the
pressure on d4, but again this is easily solved by White. 22.c3 Rd7
continuing with the single-minded idea of building up pressure on the d-file. 22...Qf4 would at least move the queen to a better square. 23.Ka1 23.Ne4 is an idea that my opponent seemed to miss. Although it's not enough for
a real advantage, initiative shifts to White and Black has to be careful about
things like covering the c5 square. Qf5 24.Qe3 b6= 23...Rhd8 the
problem with this is that the rooks now both have less space to work with, and
the Ne4 idea gets better as a result. Luckily my opponent fails to find it. 23...Nd6 24.a4 White makes the decision to weaken his kingside shield,
apparently optimistic about the pawn push. Instead 24.Ne4 Qe7 25.Nc5 Rd6 is rather awkward for Black. 24...Nd6 25.Rd3 Qe7 redeploying now
with an eye toward the weakened queenside. 26.b3?! although this covers c4,
it makes the next move more effective in punching holes in White's pawn shield.
26.Qe2 Nf5= 26...b5 this break favors Black, who is better
positioned with both the heavy pieces and his knight to exploit the resulting
holes on the queenside. 27.axb5?! this simply plays into my plan. White
instead should move the queen onto a better defensive square, for example e2
(covering the 2nd rank) or b1. Nxb5 28.Qc1 c5 the best follow-up. Now
the rooks on the d-file can make their pressure felt. 28...e5 is not as
effective due to 29.Re3 pinning the e-pawn and getting the rook away
from the d-file threat. 29.Ne2 e5 with the added pressure on d4, now this
move is effective. 30.d5 30.Re3 f6 31.f4 e4 30...e4? this looks
aggressive but would allow White to stablize the center. 30...Rxd5!?
is simple and breaks through immediately. 31.Rxd5 Rxd5 32.Rd1 Rxd1 33.Qxd1 Qd6 heading for a pawn-up endgame. 31.fxe4?! 31.Re3 holds things
together. Qf6 31...f5?! 32.c4 Nd4 33.fxe4 32.fxe4= 31...Qxe4
Black forks: d3, g2+e2 32.Qe3 now White forks: c5+e4 32.Re3!? Qxg2 33.c4 Nd6 32...Qxg2 after some thought, I mis-evaluated the possible
continuations, although the text move is still fine for Black, and perhaps
represents the best practical chances for an advantage. 32...Qxe3 33.Rxe3 Rxd5 and White has some compensation for the pawn, although the engine
doesn't think it's enough to offset Black's advantage. I was worried about 34.c4 but Rd1+ 35.Rxd1 Rxd1+ 36.Kb2 Nd6 should be fine, because after 37.Re7 White's rook can't take advantage of the 7th rank due to the rook
fork on d2. 33.Qf3? 33.Rhd1 is the only good defensive move here, but
White I'm sure didn't want to abandon the h-pawn. c4 33...Qxh2 34.R3d2 Rxd5 35.Nd4= 33.Qxc5+ doesn't work, although it's a rougher ride for
Black: Nc7 33...Rc7 is perhaps the easier route to go 34.Rhd1!? Qxe2 35.d6 Rh8 36.R1d2 36.dxc7? Rxd3 37.Rxd3 Qxd3 38.Ka2 36...Qe4 37.Rd4 Qh1+ 38.Rd1 Qb7 39.dxc7 Qxc7 33...Qxf3 now I make the correct
evalution and exchange queens. 34.Rxf3 f6 here I choose safety over
activity, which is not usually the way to go in rook endings. It's still
enough to maintain the advantage, though. 34...Rxd5! 35.c4 Rd1+ we saw
this idea in a previous variation 36.Rxd1 Rxd1+ 37.Kb2 Rd2+ 38.Kc1 Rxe2 39.cxb5 Re7-+ and now Black can consolidate the two-pawn advantage without
much trouble. 35.c4 Nd6 this looked like the obvious move to me, but the
engine disagrees. It also again shows how rook activity should be maximized. 35...Re8!? 36.Rf2 Rde7 36.Nc3 this is a much less effective square
for the White knight. Evidently my opponent's idea was to cover the e4 square. 36.Nf4!? goes after the weak kingside g-pawn, en route to an excellent
post at e6. 36...Re8 now I start activating the rooks. 37.Rhf1 37.Na4 Rc7 37...Rde7 38.R1f2?! this doesn't make a lot of sense, as the
knight is currently covering the e2 square, so penetration on the 2nd rank
isn't an immediate concern. Ne4 38...g5!? looks like a good preliminary
move, protecting the g-pawn and threatening ...g4 at some point, as White has
nothing constructive to do in the meantime. 39.Nxe4 Rxe4 here I felt
confident that although White has the passed d-pawn, my rooks were better and
could do more damage with White's knight out of the way. It's a somewhat
premature simplification, though, and could allow White to more easily
equalize. 40.Kb1 40.Kb2 would be better, protecting the b-pawn and
getting closer to the action. 40...Re1+ 41.Kc2 Kd7 41...Rh8!? 42.Kd2 42.h4 is the key idea for White, fixing the g-pawn on g6 and allowing White
to pressure on the g-file, for example R1e4 43.Rg2 Rxh4 44.Rxg6 Re7= 42...a5 not a bad move, but both I and my opponent continue to ignore the
ideas around g5 for Black and h4 for White. 43.Rg3 Ra1 the idea being to
switch focus and break through on the queenside. 44.Rgg2? 44.Kc3
and White hangs on g5 45.h4= 44...a4 45.bxa4 it's better to take than
to allow Black to create a passed a-pawn, but White is still in a great deal
of difficulty. Rxa4 46.Kd3 g5 ironically, this is no longer Black's best
move, although it is still good. 46...Ra3+ 47.Kc2 g5-+ 47.Rc2? 47.Ra2!? this is the defensive idea for White that the rook check on a3 would
have prevented. Rxa2 48.Rxa2 47...Ra3+ now I find the idea. 48.Rc3
this would be an equally good defense, except for Re3+‼ Komodo gave the
exclamation points via the Fritz interface, so I've left them in as coming
from an objective source. This is an aesthetically pleasing deflection tactic
that forces a breakthrough on the queenside. 49.Kxe3 Rxc3+ 50.Ke4 Rxc4+ 51.Kf5 Rd4 52.Kg6 Rxd5 53.Kxg7 Rd6 not the quickest route to victory, but I
was playing conservatively to keep the win in hand. 54.Kg6 c4 passed pawns
must be pushed! 55.Rc2 Rc6 56.Kf5 Rc5+ although this gives back a pawn, it
permanently bars White's king from the fight to prevent the pawn from queening.
57.Kxf6 Kc6 now Black wins with a simple king march. 58.Kg6 Kb5 59.h3 c3 60.Rxc3 Rxc3 61.Kxg5 Rxh3 0–1
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White | EloW | Black | EloB | Res | ECO | Rnd |
Class C | - | ChessAdmin | - | 0–1 | B18 |
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